Ignacio XC Invitational 2024

Ignacio, CO

Athlete Entries

Boys 3000 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ashley, Solomon Ignacio Middle School
Brewer, Samuel Mancos Middle School
Hanto, Eli Pagosa Springs Middle School
Buck, Wyatt Pagosa Springs Middle School
Seibel, Tommy Ignacio Middle School
Drye, Riley Mancos Middle School
Morris, Max Mancos Middle School
Forster, Chauncey Pagosa Springs Middle School
Vega, Forrest Ignacio Middle School
Morris, Townes Mancos Middle School
Freemon, Jacob Pagosa Springs Middle School
Ash, Rylan 10:43.14 Pagosa Springs Middle School
Yoder, Timothy 11:30.10 Del Norte Middle School
Kurz, Kieran 11:51.98 Pagosa Springs Middle School
Ast, Justin 12:29.34 Del Norte Middle School
McKnight, Liam 12:35.97 Pagosa Springs Middle School
Dempster, Miles 12:40.31 Pagosa Springs Middle School
Tyler, Micah 13:09.73 Pagosa Springs Middle School
Peterson, Olen 13:22.66 Del Norte Middle School
Thompson, Kanoa 15:54.45 Ignacio Middle School
Maestas, Matthew 16:48.54 Ignacio Middle School
Cropp, Garrett 16:48.66 Mancos Middle School
Leiker, Davyn 17:34.81 Pagosa Springs Middle School
Brewer, Ryan 18:03.71 Mancos Middle School
Moore, Liam 18:34.64 Ignacio Middle School
Reynolds, Colson 23:04.60 Pagosa Springs Middle School
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Boys 5000 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martin, James Ignacio High School
Myers, Corbin 19:06.85 Montezuma-Cortez High School
Crane, Trace 19:36.80 Ignacio High School
Ashley, Judah 19:45.90 Ignacio High School
Plewe, Cruz 20:11.60 Montezuma-Cortez High School
Blair, William 20:16.40 Montezuma-Cortez High School
Windy Boy, Thunder 21:13.30 Ignacio High School
Sauzameda, Roberto 22:09.24 Montezuma-Cortez High School
Cotonuts, Kenai 24:03.45 Montezuma-Cortez High School
Martineau, Orion 26:54.40 Montezuma-Cortez High School
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Girls 3000 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wood, Nina Pagosa Springs Middle School
King, Traylena Mancos Middle School
Buchner, Wynnie Pagosa Springs Middle School
Garcia, Avery Mancos Middle School
Matta, Cristina Del Norte Middle School
Williams, Merci Pagosa Springs Middle School
Anderson, Ashlynn Mancos Middle School
Heredia, Mercedes Del Norte Middle School
Wood, Elsy Pagosa Springs Middle School
Hughes, Madison Mancos Middle School
Adkisson, Hadley Pagosa Springs Middle School
Bliss, Shelby Ignacio Middle School
Howe, Indie Del Norte Middle School
Edelen, Rose 11:14.70 Del Norte Middle School
Maxwell, Scarlett 11:21.88 Del Norte Middle School
Kaufman-Brigham, Brianna 13:08.40 Del Norte Middle School
Benally, Quorra 13:10.67 Mancos Middle School
Crowder, Faith 13:11.40 Del Norte Middle School
Hinger, Annaliese 13:23.06 Pagosa Springs Middle School
Diffey, Olivia 13:58.47 Pagosa Springs Middle School
Murphy, Shannon 15:07.31 Mancos Middle School
Bianchi, Augustina 16:08.03 Mancos Middle School
Leiker, Skylar 17:24.92 Pagosa Springs Middle School
Sandman, Alexis 17:35.37 Ignacio Middle School
Gallegos, Lillyauna 18:02.40 Mancos Middle School
Griglak, MacKenzie 22:19.28 Mancos Middle School
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Atencio, Alyssa 32:47.75 Ignacio High School
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